I went with an Italian influenced menu. We started with prosciutto wrapped melon, artichoke bruschetta and fresh tomato dip with crostini. The tomato dip was a last minute addition since my mom brought over a great amount of tomatoes from her garden. I opted for a soup course instead of salad since it was "winter." Even though winter in Houston would be equally well served with a salad. I served C's favorite, minestrone, which I had prepped in advance and just added the pasta when it was time to serve. The main course was beef tenderloin rosa di parma with garlic roasted broccoli. Of course, mozzarella basil bread had to make an appearance, it helps absorb all the wine. We ended the evening with chocolate cappuccino cheesecake, which was divine. I had made two cheesecakes, but due to last minute cancellations, I probably could have worked with one. But who doesn't love extra cheesecake?
Look for recipes in the coming days. As always, it was an incredibly lovely weekend with some of my most favorite girlfriends. I am so lucky to have so many amazing women in my life.
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